Kickstarter – March 29th!

Some news! 🙂I’ll be launching a Kickstarter for Down Ward, March 29th KS pre-launch page: Press kit: There’s still plenty more to do, but everything is moving forward. It’s exciting. 😀

Relaunch coming!

Gable vaults her way up the revised Labyrinth’s vertical narrows. Hi all, I’m planning to relaunch in the very near future. I still have a little bit to do, but with the 113 update out, I’ve improved on quite a bit of the stuff I wanted to have more polished Read more…

Down Ward Update version b113

Gable sprints past some sparky spectral spooks! Hi all! 🙂 A new Down Ward update, beta113, is out!  Steam:  GameJolt:  Lots of level refinements and modifications, with some levels getting entirely new areas. Updated music. Significant improvements and additions to Gamepad support, including a new default control layout, Read more…

Update 112 notes

Gable navigates her way through a bit of Labyrinth. Hi all, for the update I just released, and for the upcoming update I’m working on now, I’m focusing on refining a bunch of Down Ward’s rough areas in UI, mechanics, and levels, in preparation for relaunch. Several of the levels Read more…

Happy New Year! (◠,◠)

Gable making her path a little less prickly with some heart blocks. I’m planning to soften the difficulty curve in a number of levels, and refine some of their layouts, in the next update. The gif above shows another one of the level adjustments I’m currently making. In Vinaflora (level Read more…

Hourglass & Gify oddness

Gable speeds through a host of haunts! Quest for the realtime gif In the course of adding and creating elements for the website, I realized I should have a gif to go with the explanation of the Hourglass speed-run game modes. I soon encountered an unexpected complication. I recorded a Read more…